My favourite retro games

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This page is a list of my favourite retro games, some of which still hold up well and are fun to play today (circa 2023) despite being over 20 or even 30 years old.

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MS-DOS, Commodore Amiga, 486, and/or Pentium PC

Sega Mega Drive (aka Sega Genesis)

Sony PSX

The original PlayStation was not my first console, but definitely was and still is my favourite. I cannot overstate my love of the reverb-laden boot sound. Fun fact: neither the boot logo or boot sounds are static assets. If you are running a PSX emulator, you might notice without an official bios the game will run without showing the proper boot screen when it starts. Be sure to fix that.

It's interesting on writing this list that for many of these games, what came to mind most was how good their sound track is. The PSX took full advantage of the CD format for audio. Keep in mind you could pop a lot of these discs in a regular CD player and listen to them.

Sony also made this great 'I am the wolfman' TV advert for the PlayStation. I remember it as an advert for PS1, but looking now it was actually PS2. Here's the full short-film the advert came from: Wolfman, by Tim Hope. There are other gems too--I do recommend Mountain.

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